Pensiondanmark Fælledbyen
Project Brief
Fælledbyen in Copenhagen is a large Residential Housing Project
2000 apartments is beeing build in the period of 2022-2032

"Here we will develop Copenhagen's first district with wood as the common building material in the buildings' load-bearing structures and with green facades and facades in eg recycled materials. The homes have direct access to the green and suburban community and a short distance to the metro stations Sundby and Bellacenter. Our vision is to create the sustainable and climate-friendly residential area of the future in close interaction with nature". PENSIONDANMARK
In Fælledby, the city literally meets nature, and based on the area's existing flora and fauna, we will arrange buildings and urban spaces so that we create good living conditions for both people, plants and animals. Here you will be able to experience both city life and nature's free space - and at the same time find a balance between your own and nature's needs. Green facades, green courtyards and contiguous nature and open spaces become a cornerstone in the design of the district.
Fælledby will be built in wooden structures of up to six storeys, so we contribute to Denmark's overall goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 70 percent by 2030. Our vision is to create the framework for a sustainable everyday life. If you live in Fælledby, it must be easy and attractive to live climate-friendly with green transport, energy-friendly homes and good opportunities to recycle, exchange and share with other residents.